What do you mean when you say each agenda item has a 'state'?

When we say that agenda items have a state, we mean that they are not static, but instead can be marked as being in a different condition, depending on the circumstances.

State of Open, Tabled, or Closed

In Tadum the agenda items in the Todos and Discussions sections can have a state of Open, Tabled, or Closed.
  • Open - The agenda item has not been discussed yet or has not been resolved. Open agenda items will stay on the agenda and roll forward to subsequent meetings.
  • Closed - The agenda item has been discussed and has been resolved. Closed agenda items do not roll forward. They are saved as read-only items on past agendas when a meeting is finished and removed from the 
  • Tabled - The agenda item is not a priority for the current meeting but will be a priority for a future meeting. Tabled items stay on the agenda and roll forward to subsequent meetings but are re-ordered to the bottom of their section.

State of On Target, At Risk, or Off Target

Agenda items in the Updates or Metrics sections can have a state of On Target, At Risk, or Off Target. These can be updated prior to each meeting. They will stay on the agenda and roll forward to subsequent meetings
  • On Target - The agenda item is on schedule, on budget, or meeting its objective or goal.
  • At Risk - The agenda item is slightly off schedule, slightly off-budget, or experiencing some challenges to meeting its objective or goal. This indicates it needs some attention but is not a large problem.
  • Off Target - The agenda item is off schedule, off-budget, or not meeting its objective or goal. This indicates it needs immediate attention and may be a larger problem.
Note: Agenda items in the Attachment section do not have a state.

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